The importance of the growing medical field makes it impossible to expect complete and efficient solutions with the services and/or products of a single supplier. That is why in Softime, we understand the importance of working under the concept of interoperability in healthcare.
Thus, in 2008, we teamed up with the Argentinian chapter of HL7 and began to dedicate time and effort to learning about HL7 standards to apply them in our MIS and EMR/EHR solutions.
We are currently interoperable with HL7, VZK, and CDA/R2 and have also begun working with FHIR to ream at the forefront.
Another important aspect is semantic interoperability. We have been working with CIE10 for many years now and have been working with SNOMED/CT, since 2018, mapping the vocabulary of our clinical investigation tool.
A not minor chapter that allows us to eliminate the process of dual data entry and provides us with data integrity is the DICOM solution for the WorkList in the different imaging modalities.